We develop innovative apps and conduct research and development in the field of social networking, with an exclusive focus on big and novel ideas to improve authenticity and privacy in online sharing.
- 6 years R&D, > $5M invested.
- 5 apps created, test marketed.
- 500 Gen Z users in office.
- 11 patents granted, more pending.
"We provide solutions to social media's biggest problems through rigorous R&D - equipped with deep knowledge on the evolution of social networking platforms and free from internal biases that come with operating large and mature products.
Dan Morrison
CEO & Founder
(prev. cofounder of early social network ITtoolbox)
(prev. cofounder of early social network ITtoolbox)
Phanto App: App Store marketing screens at August 2018 launch.
Sup! App: App Store marketing screens at August 2019 launch.
original Phanto App for authentic sharing (Aug 2018)
"me right now" added to phanto app March 2019
Novel post type invented by Phanto, countering inauthenticity in social platforms by providing a real window into our daily lives for friends and family. Be real. Stay close.
US Patents:
11,616,751 B2
11,652,778 B2
More patents pending.